Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This was probably not much more than a two hour session with an elderly social group of around 60 (mainly) women.

It has developed into a twice-yearly routine. A local school I have connections with provide a day of activities, entertainment and food in the church hall where they meet...... and it also seems to have become part of this routine that I am asked to deliver something 'arty-farty'.

There are usually 8-10 Year 9's (14 year olds) who go round and help - and this is really what it's all about. This is also where the arty-fartiness comes into its own. Awkwardness is soon put aside when there is a task at hand and once everyone relaxes the chatting begins

Most of us once assured and comfortable get some satisfaction from making and putting our opposable thumbs to use. The tricky bit is to come up with the right activity: something that young and old can do together, that plays to the strengths of both.

For this last workshop I decided that everyone would make something individual and personal but that put together would make one work.


  • Each person to decorate a square of paper (we used felts but it might be nice to get the watercolours out if there's drying time)

  • On the blank side of the paper to write the name of someone, or a group of people, they would like remembered

  • The name is then folded within an origami peace crane

  • Strings are attached to the birds which are then hung from a painted branch to become a tree of peace and remembrance

NB A few of the participants became upset with the remembering - but I didn't think of this as a negative. They very much wanted the names written and their birds included.

The folding was mainly completed by myself and the students although half a dozen or so wanted a demonstration and folded their own. (Which reminds me I promised to drop instructions in)

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